
The heart of our vision is rooted in our history.  When the Community Church of Great Neck was founded in May 1914, Great Neck was a small suburban town with 4,000 residents.  As the community grew and diversified over the years, so did the church.  Growth was steady and at the end of the World World II, CCGN was home to over 600 families-many of them diplomats and ambassadors.  When the United Nations relocated to Manhattan, CCGN’s membership began to deteriorate both in number and diversity.  By the 1990’s, Sunday service was attended by an average of 30 congregants.

In September 1994, a Chinese congregation established Cornerstone Church and began renting CCGN’s building to hold their services.  The relationship between the two churches blossomed and in February 1998, they merged to become one church.  Through the cooperation of both the English and Chinese congregations, CCGN began to flourish.  The Gospel was preached in multiple languages and new ministries were introduced.  People of all ages and nationalities once again came seeking fellowship and spiritual nourishment.

Today, we are a vibrant multi-ethnic and multi-generational church.

Community Church of Great Neck(CCGN)正式成立於 1914 年 5 月。當時,大頸鎮是一個只有 4000 名居民的郊區小城市。 隨著多年來社區的增長,CCGN(大頸鎮社區教會)的會員也隨著增長,於 40 和 50 年代會員增長至 1300 名成年人,主日學接近 400 名青少年。CCGN 一直是一個多元化多族裔的教會,會員有許多不同國籍的人。但後來大頸鎮的居民中猶太人越來越多而造成教會會員人數下降。到了 1990 年代教會會員已經縮減至 60 人,而參加主日崇拜人數約 20 至 30 人,並繼續下降。

於 1994 年 9 月,最初為中華海外宣道會播恩堂拓植的長島分堂,即為中宣會長恩堂(Cornerstone Church of OCM),租借長島大頸社區的 Community Church of Great Neck 堂址聚會。經過討論和相互團契活動,在 1998 年 2 月,中宣會長恩堂會友以會員的方式加入已有 80 多年歷史的大頸鎮社區教會,使兩個教會合而為一。合併後教會的中文名稱保留為「中宣會長恩堂」。

中宣會長恩堂是一個福音派信仰、多族裔、多元化的教會。華人有來自中國大陸、台灣、香港以及東南亞其它不同地區的會友。現有早上 9 時 30 分的粵語和英文崇拜聚會,並早上 11 時 15 分的國語崇拜聚會。中宣會長恩堂的組織有長執會(Board of Elders and Deacons)和信託委員會(Board of Trustees)。長執會與教牧同工負責和決定教會的信仰方向與計劃和推展所有屬靈聖工。信託委員會負責管理教會的產業與財務。