Community Church of Great Neck

We Welcome You



Community Church of Great Neck

We Welcome You



Upcoming Events


October 13, 2024
2024 年 10 月 13 日


Welcome to CCGN!  If you visit our church for the first time, please fill in the Connection Card from the reception area.  We welcome you to join us for lunch in the annex building after service.


Reminder: Next Sunday (October 6th) 10 am is the monthly combined Sunday Service.

下週日 (10/6) 為聖餐聯合崇拜,聚會時間是十時正,請準時參加。

Make a global mission impact on the lives of children without traveling abroad.  Gratefully that CCGN will serve as part of the national drop-off centers for the Christmas shoebox of Samaritan’s Purse.  Many volunteers are needed.  Attendees and community families are welcome to sign up as volunteers at CCGN drop-off site and/or drive the accumulated shoe boxes to the main drop-off center (35 minutes’ drive) 11/18-11/25/24.  For details, please sign-up:, or text the Children’s Director at 516-253-5583.

When you wish to financially support the “Project Faith 2025”, please make sure to fill out the “Pledge Form” and drop it off along with your check in the offering box for record keeping purposes.  If you have already submitted your check, but did not fill out the pledge form, please do so at your earliest convenience.  Thank you very much!

Pastor Jacob Wang is asking for a 3 months leave in order to finish his doctoral thesis.  The E&D Board decided to support Pastor Wang’s request after discussion with Pastor Tingson and with prayer.  Pastor Wang will be using his annual vacation in October, afterward, November to December are the specific time-off approved by the E&D Board. Pastor Wang’s responsibility will be planned and rearranged by Pastor Tingson during this three month period.  Please pray for Pastor Wang, and to contact Pastor Simon or Pastor Tingson if there is a need for pastoral help or involvement.

感謝主的恩典,我們親愛的王牧師因要準備博士論文向教會請假三個月 (10 月 – 12 月) 執事們經過與丁牧師商討、禱告決定支持 (10 月為王牧師 2024 -2025 年度假期而 11 – 12 月為執事會決定的特定假期)。在王牧師請假期間,他負責的聖工將由丁牧師規劃代為安排處理,懇請弟兄姊妹繼續為主僕與聖工代禱,在這三個月期間,請勿打擾王牧師,讓他能全心準備完成學業。倘若神憐憫王牧師提早完成學業,感謝主主僕就會即時回來教會繼續侍奉神,謝謝大家的支持和關心。

Starting October: Full-time Pastoral Staffs will be available in church:

  • Monday thru Friday from 10 am to 3 pm
  • Saturday will depend on the needs of church ministry.  Sunday 8:30 am to 4 pm
  • If there is a special need at other times, please contact by phone or leave a message to Church’s secretary Sister Lily.
  • Weekly day off for Pastoral Staff as follows: Pastor Wang – Tuesday (please be aware that Pastor Wang will be on leave from Oct to Dec 2024), Pastor Li – Thursday, Pastor Tingson – Friday.


Thank God for His grace, mercy and love for blessing us this magnificent and beautiful sanctuary to worship Him.  Since this nearly 110 years old church needs constant maintenance and repairs.  The BOT co-workers would love to share the needs of the repair plan for the “air-conditioning and heating system” to brothers and sisters.  Our estimated cost will be $300,000.  Please pray earnestly for this project.

感謝上主鴻恩大愛,賜給我們長恩堂有這堂皇美麗的聖殿可以敬拜我們的主,但由於這將迎 110 年的聖殿需要不段的維護維修,故此信託全體同工向眾弟兄姊妹分享明年維修大計「冷暖氣系統」初步估價需要三十萬美元,敬請弟兄姊妹為此事迫切禱告並盡力奉獻。

The physical prayer meeting time and place for this Sunday is 1:15 – 2:15 pm at Parlor Room.  Brothers and sisters who need prayer can come to the prayer meeting during this time.  While the Bible study on the Book of Psalms will continue at 2:15 – 3:15 pm at Parlor Room.

今天實體禱告會時間下午 1:15 – 2:15 在 Parlor Room 舉行,如有代禱需求的弟兄姊妹可在此時段來禱告會。週日實體查經 -「詩篇」下午 2:15 – 3:15 在 Parlor Room 舉行。

CCGN and New York Short-term Mission Center will work together in equipping believers to preach the gospel!  Brothers and sisters who have the burden and want to participate in local evangelism; willing to commit themselves to take the four lessons in trainings, please go to the reception desk to get the Registration form and give it to Sister Lily in the office.

感謝神讓教會和紐約短宣中心有機會合作裝備信徒傳福音!請有感動想要參加與本地佈道,並且願意委身接受四次訓練的弟兄姊妹,到接待處領取報名表,並交給辦公室 Lily 姊妹。

CCGN Chinese School is run with love and focuses on Chinese education and character cultivation.  We are looking for an IT/Academic Assistant or Assistant Teacher.  We welcome college students or above, bilingual, and legal workers to apply.  Please email resume to  High school students or above are also welcome to apply:  If you have PVSA hours, you can apply for the President’s Volunteer Service Award.  Time: Saturday 9:15-12:30 (classes according to the Great Neck School District calendar)

長恩中文學校以愛辦學,注重中文教育和品格培養。誠徵 IT/教務助理或助理老師,歡迎大學生或以上、雙語、可合法工作者應徵,請電郵履歷到。也歡迎高中生或以上志願生申請:,如 PVSA 時數可申請總統志願者服務獎。時間:週六 9:15 – 12:30 (依大頸學區年曆上課)

Brothers/Sisters willing to serve as ushers or Audio/Video technical support in the EM congregation, please contact Pastor Simon, Deacon Cyrus or Brother Sam for detail.  Training will be provided.

For any private/personal prayer request and/or spiritual need, please kindly give the connection card to Pastor Simon Li in person after the worship service.  Thank you for your kind participation.

Every Wednesday 8:00 – 9:00 pm, Pastor Simon will lead a Youth zoom summer Bible study.  Zoom ID 545 716 8012 – PWD 1234.  All youth are welcomed to join.

Latest Sermon

English Service
Combined Sunday Service

How to Reach Us

Address 地址: 2 Stoner Ave, Great Neck, New York 11021
Phone 電話: (516) 342-3083  x100
Fax 傳真: (516) 213-0278
Email 電郵: